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Ho'oponopono Harmony Circle

Have u been stressing lately about your present situation? Your health/ Job/ finances/ business ideas/ or even relationships?

You feel stuck and possibly getting no clue how to get out of the stagnancy?

If yes, then here is what I want you to know.

The reality of your life today is an energy or vibration that was created by you, either consciously or unconsciously. 
We all know that manifestation is given – be it good relationship/ financial abundance or good health.

Then why is it so that we are unable to manifest that good relationship or house or job or even health now?

The answer is – the memories or subconscious programming that is attached to it.  

Whether you realize it or not but the programming in our subconscious mind controls your consciousness or the decisions that you make.

You don’t believe me? Okay let me put it simply. When you decide to start a new job/ business idea or even relationship, what are the thoughts that come to your mind. I have come across people who tell me that they feel scared to get into a new relationship because they experienced a heartbreak in the last relationship they were in or they are unable to establish that business because they had heard the stories of business failures in the past.

All this is part of the memories that happened in the past yet they still govern us and create the reality that we have today.
Now, the question arises, is there anything that can be done to clean or wipe of these memories or programming.

The answer is YES!!!.

A simple yet powerful tool called HO’OPONOPONO. This is an ancient Hawaiian practice of making things right and I invite you to join the Ho’oponopono Harmony Session and learn how you can wipe these memories from your subconscious mind.  Better still, you would understand the secrets of why at the first place you created them.

The session is packed with insights and real life experiences that will help you to identify your true potential that will help you to change your reality and manifest your desires.

So....what are you waiting for? Join us!!

Takeaways of the session:-

Day 1 – Know what is Energy? What is Manifestation? How Law of attraction and Law of resonance work hands in hands

Day 2 – Who are we? What is a life cycle?  What is Karma, patterns of life – energy vibrations? Understanding soul contracts. Who is a soul mate? Who is your family? 

Day 3 - Understand what is Ho’oponopono, its background and how the phrases works?

Day 4 – HA meditation, WAII method of cleansing. Q&As

Day 5 – Healing of the inner child meditation through Ho’oponopono

Register yourself to know more about he upcoming Ho'oponopono session and join our every day chanting group. 


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