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Vibha has authored two books - “Falling in love with life…once again!!” (published in 2014), and “No Longer Caged” (published in 2016).

Falling in love with life…once again!!

Story of Vimasha - Despite of the turbulence in her life that had left her dejected, her search for true love continued to take her forward. All she had dreamt was a modest life that had love, contentment and happiness in it.


Amongst the peaks and troughs of her life she landed up in Mumbai, from where she decided to begin a new journey. A journey of trust, hope and falling in love; only to discover that the love she had sought was elusive. 


Wounded, healed and wounded again, she sought God’s intervention to lead her, to recognize the truth. Eventually she resurrected like a Phoenix – more vibrant and energetic than before!!


“Falling in love with life...once again!!” is a beautiful chronicle of Vimasha’s struggle to stand for righteousness, rebuilding every time she was broken and nurturing her faith in God, in herself, in love and in life.





No Longer Caged

A story of stammering child who discovers his potential of writing in order to express his emotions.


It was his disability that caged Nakul (protagonist) from within - to voice out the words he longed to express. His self-confidence was severely hurt as he graduated from being a child who stammers, to a youth who fears to express himself. Unfortunately, one after another, Nakul lost his loved ones - the ones who were his universe.


Just released from prison; before embarking upon his new life, a nostalgic Nakul decided to pay one last visit to his house which carried fond memories of the bygone days and stumbles upon the last gift that Rishabh had left for him, days before he was murdered. This gift turned out to be "the impulse" that gives Nakul the ability to believe in himself and realize his true potential.


Oscillating through the scenes of unconditional love, the matchless bond of friendship and a simplistic, yet soulful connect of love, No Longer Caged, is a beautiful saga of embracing one's true worth as a human being - liberated, unrestricted and not subjected to the beliefs of the world.


The novel is a major breakthrough as it helped several people to recognize their inner potential for expressing their feelings. The book gained a 4.5 star rating on Goodreads and won several praises on various platforms.


Both the books are available on Amazon and have been received by the readers with grace over the years. The books have inspired many and reviews can be read on





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